Thursday, November 5, 2009


Oct 24. The day of homecoming was a hectic day indeed. I woke up at nine and got ready for work. It was tiresome and boring but I made it through and got out at three. Rushing home to get all my things, I packed everything into a duffle bag and headed for my friend's house. All the girls were running around trying to find a free outlet for their curlers or a mirror to apply makeup. Once the guys had arrived, the girls panicked even more and began running around waving hairspray and jackets around. Once things settled down, we took a group picture and drove to school. It was really hot and crowded on the dance floor but we had a good time. Someone had too much fun and dislocated her knee, making everyone evacuate. The after party was the best part. I ate so much food and laughed til I cried. A day well spent :)

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